16 January 2007

Honey, I’m home

The people I were whilst I was becoming myself, aren’t me. They’re friends and relatives, but they were never who I am now. They’ve lived and died and I knew them well. But all that remains of them now are memories, smells and photographs. I can’t deny they existed and I’m grateful to be able to forgive them for what they did wrong and that I can remember what they did right. Everyday and every night I become more of myself and less of them and I always like myself better. I judge better, I think longer before I speak, I know more and… I have more style. :)

And sometimes, not very often, I catch one of my old friends speaking through me again in that rebellious tone.

Hi everyone! I'm back from a lovely long holiday. Hope this finds you well.


Adam said...

You go girl! Koel post.

Margie said...

Thx, Adam, jy's 'n skat!

Pienk Zuit said...

Welkom terug. Ek's self hierdie week eers weer terug na 5 weke se verlof. Wat scary is, is dat ek nie eens 1 dag daarvan aan jaarverlof afgestaan eht nie, dis alles net oortyd wat ek laas jaar gewerk het en nou terug gekry het.

Margie said...

Hey PZ, welcome back to you too!

Sjoe, maar jy's 'n eager beaver! :-) :-) Wens my oortyd het getel vir iets...