...for words escape me more often than they should. Hey, Linka? :)
Disclaimer: Let me start of by saying that this post does not in anyway reflect upon the commitment, loyalty and general willingness-to-lend-a helping-hand of my dear friends who will be reading this.
Last night I had the girls over. Mere seconds after the doorbell rang for the first time, my home was filed with warm laughter and exclamations, compliments were being passed back and forth and no-one had a smile missing. Ah, the good fortune of having friends for family.
When everyone had left and the house had quietened down the thought occurred to me: When your guests offer to help you clean before they leave, is it ever polite to accept? I'm sure you've heard the conversation many times:
"Jane/John, we'd better be off: Early start tomorrow. Thank you so much for a lovely evening!"
"Oh, it's my pleasure. Thank you so much for coming... And for the wine."
"Gosh, look at the mess we've made! Can't we help you clean up a bit?"
"No, no, it's fine. Won't take me long. I'll do it tomorrow."
"Are you sure? We'll just give the plates a rinse."
(And now for my personal favourite... I heard this a few weeks ago.)
"No, don't be silly. Besides, you know me and my kitchen... I don't like other people messing around in it."
"Well, let's just help you clear the table."
"No, no, don't bother. I don't feel like doing it now anyway."
"Okay, well, if you're sure... Thank you again."
"My pleasure. Drive safely!"
Polite wave. Front door slams shut.
"Sh!t, look at this mess. How did they manage this?"
But, think about it: What was the alternative?
"Cool guys, thanks! Bob, you get the wine glasses. Susan, could you see if you can get that stain out of the carpet? You'll find the cleaning products in the cupboard under the sink..."
I usually like to start cleaning immediately. There are few things as satisfying as going to bed knowing you have a clean kitchen.
Tomorrow I'm having people over again. Here we go again. My, my...