16 November 2006

Emotion Part 1:

Why do we take for granted the time we have, but when it has run out, we crave it so deeply that we cannot think of anything else and it gives us physical pain?

Today I will tell you of my experience with the greatest muse I know: Emotion. Real, physical emotion. The kind that makes you dream strange dreams and leaves you in the middle of the night to deal with anxiety by yourself in the morning. The kind that makes your heart beat so fast, you're afraid the people around you might hear it. The kind that sends eerie shivers down your spine, taking the blood from your head with it, until it has all drained, and you feel light headed. The kind that makes your heart contract so quickly that it stops and freezes for a moment too long. The kind that makes you pull at your clothes, or keeps you swaying from the one foot to the other. The kind that gets you so angry that you abuse the objects coming in your way as you hurry to nowhere in particular. The kind that makes you stare at something you do not see.


arcadia said...

hey...if this really was posted at 3:59 am i guess you're not getting much sleep either, which doesn't help :-(

hang in there, m.

Unknown said...

Hi there girl!

I hear you about all those emaotions.
They don't sound nice, and they aren't nice. :)
one thing i can tell you is that I believe in my heart with all my power and with all my love that those emotions shouldn't be part of our lives. we are loving beings. Look at a baby :) HAHAHAHA he only feels happyness and sometiems hunger but none of these nasty feelings like anxiety and hate and anger...

you are cool, and you are an amazign person of that i am sure!
i wish you love and happyness and laughter and prosperaty and fun throughout your life!
may you be blessed and may you feel the love of the universe surround you and hold you!


Margie said...

S_T_N, thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. I so appreciate it! I see you don't have a blog... Would love to read some of your other thoughts.