12 September 2006


In an effort to give Underway better structure, I've decided to dedicate a theme to each month of the year. My first theme (for the remainder of September) will be Lists.

I'm a list person. I make lists of everything. I have to-do lists, grocery lists, I list my goals (short-term, middle-term, long-term)... When things are written down, in a orderly fashion, it gives me sense of control. It's there, it's noted, I know I'll get around to it. When I don't write things down, they aimlessly float around in my head. And they interfere with my other thoughts. And I hate it when that happens. (Read in Meredith Grey - from Grey's Anatomy, of course - tone of voice.)

The Interpreter was on television last Sunday evening. In the movie Silvia Broome's brother, Simon, keeps lists of all the names of people who died - often in brutality - during political struggles. By naming each individual, and their cause of death, he lets them rest with dignity.

Lists give their items meaning, and noteworthiness. (Of course, I'm by no means comparing items on my to-do list to people who died for a cause.)

Do you keep lists?

(I've created a Flickr account too. So, instead of showing my sketchbook here, I'll be posting it here. There are only 2 little illustrations up at the moment, but there's lots more to come!)


siewcaeddie said...

Thanks :)
I also put link to your site in http://mragowskiemolo.blogspot.com - my main blog.

You too have great illustration, very impresive :)

arcadia said...

lists? lots of them. things i want to get done within the next five years, dinner party menus, coffee dates i need to have, possible names for children.

M.E. said...

ja!!!!!! ek is super list compiler...dis my favourite tydverdryf...too bad ek kom nooit uit by al die goeters wat ek lys nie...
btw...thnx vir die comments oor my blog :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi m

Op jou flicker account, Dis stunning hoe die oë uit staan.

Margie said...

Plesier, Em, dis waar!

Thanks Anonymous... more to come, I promise!

Anonymous said...

Die foto's op jou Flickr site is baie cool. :-)

PS Het jy al Kaapstad in die nag af geneem terwyl jy saam met iemand rond ry?

Margie said...

Hallo Anonymous,
Nee nog nie veel foto's van Kaapstad in die aand geneem nie... Cool idee. :)