17 October 2006

20 random facts...

1. I woke up tired this morning. (I've actually been waking up tired every morning for quite a while now. You don't have to feel sorry for me, though, it's because I go to bed too late.)*

2. I'm a compulsive blusher. I blush at the mere thought of something hinting at being threatening or embarrassing.

3. I bought José Gonzáléz's CD, because I loved the first Sony Bravia ad so much. I've even got free wallpaper from the website on my desktop.**

4. I had an unhappy childhood. (No fault on my parents' behalf.)

5. I'm having a very happy adulthood.

6. I don't really like getting flowers. I prefer something edible.

7. I said "Hi" to Meg Ryan in Central Park. She was jogging.

8. I rarely buy peanut butter, because when I do, I eat it straight from the tub with a spoon.

9. I've had open heart surgery. Now I've got a long scar right in the middle of my chest. Men are always the ones to ask about it: "How low does it go?" "Do you have any other scars?" and "Did an alien scratch you?" (I kid you not.)

10. Still on the subject of vanity: I was born with a parculiar little extra bit of skin next to my left ear. It feels weird. Not many people notice it, though.

11. I sometimes find it hard to pronounce my own name... (That's why I like my nickname better.) I wish I had my sister's name. :)

12. I can't wait to see the next Sony Bravia ad on TV.***

13. I'm finding it difficult to think of other random facts.

14. I've had 9 pets. (A canary, a rabbit, a hamster, 2 mice and 4 dogs.)

15. I've never read the Bible from front to back. I get distracted easily. I think I'll start by at least studying a book at a time in its entirety.

16. I don't have a very long attention span.

17. I don't like tomatoes, but I love tomato sauce.

18. I once had a nose piercing. All that remains of it now, is a little scar.

19. I took a picture of the Empire State building from the top of one of the Twin Towers on the 9th of September 2001.

20. I've never had a crush someone more than 5 years my senior.

* Inspired by gm. :)

** Go here and here for free wallpaper.

*** Check out the behind-the-scenes preview here.


It took:
70,000 litres of paint
358 single bottle bombs
33 sextuple air cluster bombs
22 triple hung cluster bombs
268 mortars
33 triple mortars
22 double mortars
358 meters of weld
330 meters of steel pipe
57 km of copper wire...

...and a lot of cleaning up!


nico said...

9th of September 2001, the mind boggles.

Margie said...

The towers fell on the 11th of September, so I got to go up only 2 days earlier. Lots of my co-au pairs were putting it off for the end of their stay in America and never got to see the amazing views from up there.

nico said...

Were you in New York on the 11th?

M.E. said...

why do you get to have cooler randoms than M.E.?????!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nogal random, M.
Ek het minder as die helfte geweet. Ek kan nie wag om die Bravia ad te kyk nie!

Linka said...

Ja, ek stem saam met ander. Cool random facts. I realized the twin towers visit was close, didnt realize it was that close.

Margie said...

Nico, I was in New Jersey, in a town called Montclair, about a 20 minute drive from the city. Some friends and I went up to a view point from where we could see the length of Manhattan's West side. I remember a very eerie silence.

Emmie, thanks, but your list is pretty cool too!

gm, het jy na die BRAVIA site gegaan? Die ad is reeds daar. So cool! Ek het dit al vir die hele kantoor gewys. :) Hoop dit sal op die big screen wys!

Linka, dankie! Ja, ek was damn lucky!

arcadia said...

hard to pronounce your own name? lol. i've also got a strange name, and almost no one ever spells it correctly the first time.

Margie said...

I know, it's really strange. It's the "r's" I have a hard time with. I got my grandmother's name - I am her first grandchild. She is of Scottish descent. The tricky part is when I have to introduce myself in Afrikaans.